Top Questions
1. How long does the contest take?
Most teams finish in about 45 minutes; if you allow an hour, you should be fine.
2. What if we are interrupted or can’t finish in one period?
The test scores and records as you go, so if you do not ask for the next question, you can come back and finish the contest.
3. How many can be on one team?
The number is up to you. Some teams are small, with 5 to 10 students, and some teachers do it with the whole class using a projection such as a whiteboard.
4. How many teams can a school have?
The number of teams is also up to you. You can have two or more teams from the same grade level or can combine grade levels. Just remember the contests for 5th and 6th are the same as the 7th and 8th and the JV and Varsity High School.
5. What are the rules when doing the contest?
There should be no adult help. There should be no outside resources such as books, calculators, cell phones, computers, or charts.
6. How are points awarded?
Teams have two chances to answer the questions. First, based on the speed and accuracy of the first answer, up to 15 points can be awarded. If you answer on the second chance, you can get a flat number of 5 points.
7. What subjects are covered in the questions?
Areas include math, geography, government, sports, spelling, science, literature, English, history, fine arts, and general information.
8. How do we know how we did compare to other teams?
On Monday, after the contest is over, the rank order by division is posted on our website. Team awards are announced based on the number of teams signed up for the contest.
9. Can we take the contest more than once?
During the school year, the current contests can only be taken during the contest window. However, next school year, the contest will appear as a practice contest that can be taken over and over. You can build a contest bank over the years.
10. With so many tests, why do the Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl?
We feel our contest is a positive and fun way to compete with others. This can be a true team builder as each team member can share their knowledge for a common goal.
11. What are the system requirements to take the contest?
The contest works in both a Windows and Mac format. If you have access to the internet, you can take the contest online.
12. How do we prepare for the contest?
While no practice is needed prior to taking the contest, we do offer previous contests as practice. It helps the students know how the contest runs and what to expect in the way of questions.